Electrical engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and testing electrical equipment. This can include anything from motors to generators and transformers. They may also work on power transmission and distribution systems such as high-voltage lines or substations that carry electricity over long distances. In addition, electrical engineers might even design their equipment for their industry.
Electrical engineers also work on electric power generation systems like hydroelectric dams or nuclear reactors—the people who build these large-scale projects need an expert in electricity to help them make sure everything runs smoothly once they're up and running.
You'll need a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering to become an electrical engineer. However, some people will also get their bachelor's in physics or math because these fields overlap with the study of electricity and electronics.
If you want to work as an electrical engineer after graduation, your school must offer computer science and mathematics (calculus) classes. You can also take courses on linear algebra, differential equations, control systems theory, and signals and systems theory.
The average salary of electrical engineers can vary depending on experience and industry, but the general average in North America is $90,000.
There are many benefits to becoming an electrical engineer, including:
Electrical engineering is a field with many jobs where you can work in everything from power plants to home appliances. Electrical engineers are responsible for designing and maintaining the electrical systems that keep our world running efficiently. They also create new ways to generate, store, and transmit electricity using renewable resources like wind and solar power.
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