Industry solutions
Fiix is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment where people of all abilities can thrive. We recognize the individual needs of all people we work and do business with, and strive to accommodate these needs in a sufficient and timely manner. We aim to become a barrier-free environment, and will work to do the following in accordance with Ontario provincial legal requirements:
We care deeply about the experience of all who we work with on a daily basis. That’s why we encourage all applicants, employees, customers, and others whom we do business with to notify us as soon as possible of any accommodations they may need.
Accessibility Standards Recruitment
Fiix is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to providing people of all backgrounds and abilities with a great application and interview experience. Any applicants that require accommodations throughout the application or interview process can contact Fiix via email at [email protected] or via phone at (647) 317-9055. Recognizing that people with disabilities usually know which accommodations are most suitable for them, we will work collaboratively with the applicant to develop a suitable accommodation that takes into consideration their unique abilities and limitations. We will disclose our commitment to accessibility in every job posting and when extending offers of employment to successful candidates.
Employees Accommodations
Fiix recognizes that diversity in skill and thought are key to our success, and we work to create a barrier-free environment where all of our employees have what they need to succeed. Where requested, we will provide information in an accessible format, as determined in collaboration with the employee. This includes any information an employee needs in order to perform their job and any information that is generally available to employees at Fiix.
Process for Accommodations
Individual Emergency Response Plans
For any employees that may require assistance during an emergency situation due to a disability, whether temporary or permanent, Fiix will work with them to create an individual emergency response plan (IERP) that includes the following:
IERPs will be reviewed as necessary to ensure that the information contained in the IREPs remains accurate and up-to-date, including whenever an employee moves to a different location in the building and during the annual review of this policy. We will provide all employees with the necessary emergency information in a format that is accessible to them.
Information & Training
It is important that all of our employees are aware of our commitment to providing an inclusive and accessible work environment, which is why we provide all employees with training to ensure that they have the knowledge and tools to work with people of all abilities. This training will cover the following:
All Fiix employees will complete the training requirements outlined in this policy as soon as practicable upon starting at Fiix. Additionally, Fiix will ensure that all employees are aware of our policies and any updates made to them.
Customer Service Fiix is committed to providing service that respects the dignity and independence of all people with disabilities and ensures that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to benefit from our services. All communication with people with disabilities whom we work and do business with will take into consideration their accessibility needs and, when requested, we will provide accessible formats or supports.
Assistive devices Fiix is committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person or assistive animal. Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person or assistive animal will be allowed to enter our office with his or her support person or assistive animal. At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person/assistive animal be prevented from having access to his or her support person while on our premises. We respect the personal space and dignity of all people with a disability when communicating private issues in the presence of a support person.
Notice of Temporary Disruptions
Fiix will provide affected customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by persons with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
Providing feedback Feedback regarding Fiix’s services can be made in the following ways:
Fiix will make reasonable efforts to provide, in a timely manner, accessible formats and communication supports in its feedback processes in order to ensure that these processes are accessible to persons with disabilities.
All complaints about Fiix’s delivery of service to people with disabilities that are received will be addressed in a reasonable and timely manner. Where possible, Fiix will endeavour to follow-up with the complainant.