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March 19, 2015

| 1 min read

Visual Operating Procedures

Variation in maintenance processes can creep in when maintenance technicians are under pressure or let their concentration lapse. It is well documented that the elimination of variation in processes through standardized checklists or visual operating procedures can reduce the chances of error and adverse events.

Our Enterprise CMMS now gives CMMS administrators the ability to embed videos and graphics on the individual tasks; offering a visual aid for technicians as they complete the task. The feature is ideal for organizations with Visual Operating Procedures (VOPs) for infrequent tasks. Rather than having to search through folders or paper procedures, the VOPs can be digitized and added to the task group or PM in the CMMS and drawn upon when needed.

Visual Operating Procedures are used in many industries to as cognitive aids to guide users through accurate task completion. Standardization of work practices through Visual Operating Procedures ensures everyone performs the same job in the same way every time, and no steps are missed. It also helps ensure employees are aware of dangers. By reducing variation, it improves the quality of work, improves reliability and reduces the chances something happens due to missed steps.

How can I create visual operating procedures in my CMMS?

The new visual operating procedure feature comes standard with the enterprise package CMMS. If you already have the enterprise CMMS, you’ll notice the new window on your scheduled maintenance tasks. To Add Videos and images to your tasks, click the + add media button on the task to attach files and media. Its that simple!

Visual Operating Procedures

Standardizing the way we work leads to increases in reliability and performance. When you standardized organizational processes, quality and reliability increases, while variation and cost decreases.

If safety checks vary from system to system, it makes sense to attach asset specific checks lists, visual operating procedures, graphics or videos to the asset or work order. Watching a quick refresher safety video could help the technician spot the danger points while carrying out the work. This helps increase employee awareness of the risks and dangers associated with the task. For example, attach a drawing of the asset with the hazardous areas highlighted.

If you don’t have the enterprise CMMS, you can upgrade today in your CMMS by clicking the green upgrade button. Upgrading will also unlock some other great enterprise features such as rotating assetsreports writermulti-site and our API.

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