Industry solutions
Lockout tagout (LOTO) is a safety protocol designed to prevent accidental injuries during equipment service and maintenance (opens in new tab). It involves locking a work area and machine with a lock (padlocks, chains, valve clamps, wedges or pins) and tagging it with signs (like safety tags), before shutting off power or removing a component from a machine.
Lockout occurs before any maintenance is done and when an operator removes all power sources from a machine. The operator then applies an approved tag or lock to the machine indicating its status as locked out. The operator may have to remove fuses, disconnect power cords, or do other tasks related to electrical components. Tagout occurs after lockout when the operator installs an approved lock and safety tag on the electrical panel (or other approved control) for the machine. This prevents access to energized parts of the equipment until it’s inspected and returned to service.
The lockout tagout procedure is used on equipment that has moving parts, including conveyors, turbines, and compressors. It must be done by someone who is trained in proper lockout procedures.
The following is an example of how lockout tagout procedure would be used:
LOTO is completed for two reasons. The first is obvious: It prevents injuries. When you're working on equipment in a hazardous environment and fail to lockout the equipment properly, you could injure yourself and others. OSHA’s standard on the control of hazardous energy outlines the requirements for employers for controlling various forms of energy (electricity, gas, pressurized vapors etc.)
The second reason why LOTO is done has less to do with human safety than it does with safety for property and equipment. If someone were working on an electrical circuit without properly deactivating or isolating the circuit, they might accidentally cause damage to themselves or their surroundings (like overloading outlets or tripping breakers). If machinery and surroundings nearby get damaged, it can be very costly.
Lockout tagout is a way to make sure that your workplace is as safe as possible. It’s important to follow the right steps and make sure that you are doing it correctly. Learn why integrating a CMMS into your LOTO system can benefit your facility and maintenance.
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