“ It’s going to be key to be a master diagnostician. It’s going to be learning how to manage and program new technology to diagnose the root cause of problems, and to do this in a... complex ecosystem of technology and people. ”
- David Berger, P.Eng, President of Lamus Group
Some things never change— the maintenance department will always be where masters of troubleshooting and technical skills are valued. But get ready... nothing stays (completely) the same forever.
If you're a fan of acronyms, you'll love where maintenance is headed. From IIoT to AI, the industry is getting a heavy dose of tech, ASAP. Everything will be connected: Machines, software, people, departments. Everything.
94% of executives in this survey said digital transformation is their organization’s top strategic initiative
This is the world maintenance leaders will live in soon (if not already). From new health and safety measures to unpredictable production schedules and an increase in remote work, the maintenance industry is changing fast. New technology, new ways of doing business, and new ways of living are only making this change faster.
61% of business leaders believe they've barely scratched the surface of IoT technologies
Because everything is so connected and changing constantly, brushing up on your technical knowledge is not enough. Maintenance leaders need to be able to manage change, data, budgets, remote workers, and more. It's a long list. But so is the one with all your work orders on it and you crush that one.
See how Fiix has changed the game
Learn how IIoT, AI, big data, and more fit into your maintenance program.
Read moreWhat maintenance teams will look like, how they’ll operate, and predictions for 2030.
Read moreThis webinar offers tips for maintenance teams to get comfortable doing business-as-unusual.
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